Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome to My Home Farm

My Home Farm is about life, love, and the constant change on a farm.

This is my barn in Kentucky
For the past two weeks, I've had time to think. I mean, really think. For the first time in about 23 years, I have been without a job. I've never slept better in my life! No countless emails demanding immediate responses; no managers assigning endless tasks; no surly co-workers to contend with. Just time on the farm, doing what I want to do. 

So what does a suddenly unemployed farm girl do with her time?

1. I've created this blog
2. I've made multiple batches of pesto and quiche for the freezer
3. I visited with my mom who flew out from California
4. I went prairie chicken hunting in Nebraska
5. I spent a week in Kansas at my sweetheart's farm
6. I sold my farm in Kentucky
7. And I just booked a moving truck!

Stay tuned for my adventures in moving and my new life in Kansas. There will be lots to say ...


  1. Congrats on selling your farm! How cool. A grand, new life awaits you, my friend. :o)

  2. wow Karen, we are living in a very similar universe. Our lives & blogs have a lot in common. I hope you remember me from facebook...I am fb fan of Hobby Farms and you are my friend on there - when you said you were leaving your job, I wondered what your next move was. Just like me, you left it all for love. That's the best reason of all.

  3. Where in Kansas are you moving to? Its my home state and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

  4. Wow, I will miss your editorial column in Hobby Farm magazine, but your new life sounds so full of joy and possibility! I can't wait to read more! I'll be curious, too, to read more about your sweetheart...wondering if he is the editor from KS of another rural magazine I read. ;)

  5. Hi Karen,

    Just saw the latest issue of Hobby Farms and something was missing!! Your column was always the first I read... ;) Besides Martha Stewart, HF is one of the only magazines I sit down with cover to cover! lol

    I'll miss your insight in the magazine, but now I've found your online "front porch" and I'll be a frequent reader.

    Hope to see you at a festival again sometime... Jot me a line (via our email on our site), if you have some spare moments... I always enjoyed chatting with you, even though it was brief!

    God bless you in your new adventure! Cherish every moment!
    Emilee Gettle
